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deer island

Deer Island Coastal Preserve is located just ½ mile south of Biloxi, Mississippi.
Its ecology and geography are rich and dynamic.

Deer Island: A Tiny Treasure

Its anthropological history is an evolving tale of various Native American tribes through thousands of years, European colonists in the 1700s, and full-time residents until 1969. 

Today, the island is a year-round haven for modern boaters, solitude seekers, wildlife watchers, fisherman, and researchers.

Deer Island  is a wild strip of swamp, coastal forest, and beach. No roads, no buildings . . . just nature doing its own thing.
Color Stain

Sun Herald

"Of Hermits, Pirates, Farms, and Such"

Kat Bergeron

Coastal Markers

"Deer Island Becomes Coastal Preserve"

Dept. of Marine Resources

WLOX Deer Island History

Local News

History of Deer Island

Sun Herald

"History of the 6 MS 

Barrier Island Names"

by Kat Bergeron

MS Gulf Coast Time Traveler

"History of Deer Island"

by Edmond Boudreaux

Clarion Ledger

Island Living:

the Baker Family

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